Full time working rights for student visa holders in tourism and hospitality: what you should know
A few days ago, the federal government announced changes in the budget to help international students working or willing to work in the hospitality and tourism industry. Student visa holders working in these sectors are now allowed to work more than 40 hours a fortnight.This clause will be in force until 30 June 2023. There is a temporary relaxation of working hours for student visa holders for hospitality and tourism. Some of them are also allowed to apply for the Subclass408 COVID-19 Pandemic event visa. But is it great news? What are the pros and cons of such a measure? We’ve decrypted it for you.
“I’m feeling relieved since the announcement has been made, told us Marie, a student visa holder based in Melbourne. Just like thousands of other student visa holders, she has been struggling during the pandemic and forced to ask for money from her parents back in France. “I was feeling very frustrated not being able to pay for my bills, while the original idea in coming to Australia was to become more independent. I have been contemplating the idea of coming back home, like many other students. But I’ll now finally be able to pursue my studies without worrying about money. And hopefully, to obtain my Permanent Residency in a few years”.
If Marie was benefiting from the financial support of her parents during the pandemic, many students had to face the situation on their own. They joined some food associations to get free food and inevitably had to take cash-in-hands jobs to pay their rent or courses. This feedback as well as the hospitality and tourism industries comments pushed the Australian Government into action. “The Government has listened carefully to the states, territories, and industries and is introducing these changes to support critical sectors for Australia’s COVID-19 economic recovery,” said Immigration Minister Alex Hawke.
What does this measure imply for Australia StudentVisaholders?
This announcement is following a similar temporary measure released a few months ago and related to sectors such as agriculture, food processing, health care, childcare, and disability care. Hospitality and tourism are classified as critical industries, just like the sectors mentioned above. Therefore, student visa holders working in these industries have now full working wights for students.
Moreover, if you decide to work in one of these industries, you won’t need any permit. However, you must maintain your course enrolment, ensure satisfactory course attendance and progress in your studies. All in all, this is a great opportunity to gain experience in a field that interests you while learning in class.
Why the 408 COVID-19 Pandemic event visa might not be the best option forstudent visaholders intending to stay long-term in Australia
Following this measure, the Government has made another announcement: some temporary visa holders working in or intending to work in tourism and hospitality can apply for the subclass 408 COVID-19 Event Pandemic Visa up to 90 days before their existing visa expires. They will then remain in Australia for up to 12 months.
If this might be a good option for student visa holders at the end of their Australian adventure, people intending to stay long-term might have to reconsider this alternative. Firstly, as warned by some immigration experts, they may receive a no further stay condition, but the visa could also be a problem for their GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant) submissions in future applications. They could also become restricted to work for one employer only.
On the other hand, student visa holders continuing their studies would have better chances to get other visas granted, to pursue the career of their choice in Australia, and to get a Permanent Residency.
This is therefore a decision to take seriously, depending on your needs and goals in Australia.
If you are on a Student or Work Holiday Visa, you can now work more than 20 hours per week, you can work full time. Learn more about the Student Visa Working Hours:
We all know how Australia is going through one of the worst workforce shortages at the moment. The Department of Home Affairs had put a work hour relaxation for the hospitality sector back in May 2021. But in order to keep the country’s economy running smoothly, the DHA has now declared a temporary relaxation of student visa work rights and limits to all sectors of the economy.
Good News For International Students! Can International Students Work Full Time?
The answer is YES! Although this relaxation has been imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, it'sreally fantastic news for all international students living in Australia. Now you can work full time, more than the stipulated 40 hours per fortnight and support your studies and lifestyle. This will end on 30 June 2023.
Start Working Before Course Commencement!
The student visa work restrictions have been removed for not just students currently living in Australia, but also apply to all new students who wish to start working prior to course commencement. The same applies to the secondary applicants on your student visa. This means that both you and your dependent have full working rights even before your course begins, as Student Working Hourshave grown to 40 hours per week until 30 June 2023.
What happens with student's full time working rights after the 30 June 2023?
As from 1st July 2023, working restrictions for student visa holders will be reinstalled and will be limited to 48 hours per fortnight. This will ensure that student visa holders continue to be able to focus on gaining a quality Australian education and qualification, while still being able to support themselves financially, acquire relevant work experience and support Australia's workforce needs.
What Do You Need To Know? Student Visa Full Time Work:
As an international student, it is easy to get drowned in your work and compromise your studies. With the relaxation of Student Visa Work restrictions, it is important that you maintain a vital balance between your work hours and school. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind with the new student visa working hours:
Maintain your course enrolment even if you are working full time.
Your course attendance should be satisfactory as per your school requirements.
You need to focus on the progression of your course. Ensure that your grades are not severely compromised because of work.
Student Visa holders who cancel their enrolment, do not attend classes or show dissatisfactory course progression, can be held in breach of their visa conditions.
We Can Help You With Student Visa!
If you are planning to come to Australia, right now is the perfect time to do so. Not just do you get full working rights, but also a rebate on your visa application fees. Furthermore, the student visa and work holiday visa applications are being processed super quickly to combat the workforce shortage.
At Study Destination, we have expert counsellors who can guide you through the whole process of attaining a student visa. From the beginning to the absolute end, our counselors are happy to help you through your entire migration journey. Feel free to get in touch with our team right now, our services are 100% free!
Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Contact us and book a free consultationto discuss your situation, student visa, courses, work or any other subject you might need support for. Whatever your decision on any of the visas, we are here to give you all the information that will help you make the best choices for yourself.
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