Australia is open, and wants you NOW!

The Australian borders finally opened in December last year, and welcomed back International students with open arms! But the Australian government didn’t stop at just that. They want to make the whole experience much more seamless for all Australian Student Visa and Work Holiday Visa holders. And in order to do that, they are giving a lot of benefits for all International students.

Here is everything you need to know as an Australian Student Visa holder:

Get a full refund on your Student Visa application fees!

All Student and Work Holiday Visa holders living outside Australia can get their visa application fee refunded if they enter the country before 19th March 2022. Plus, in order to let the maximum number of International students benefit from this, the visa processing time has been shortened too. The last date to claim the refund is 30th December 2022, and you can register yourself here.

Full working rights!

Students can now work more than 40 hours per fortnight in any industry until further notice. This means that International Students and WHV holders get full working rights in Australia, which is an amazing way to support your Australian lifestyle financially.

Start working before your course begins!

Student Visa holders can start working from their first day upon arrival in Australia, to earn back the money invested in their school deposit. They will no longer be required to wait till their course begins in order to start working. It is a wonderful opportunity for international students to financially support their studies and lifestyle in Australia.

Rapid Antigen Testing accepted!

PCR Testing is no more a mandatory requirement for travelling to Australia. A negative Rapid Antigen Test within 24 hours of travel is an acceptable indicator to enter the country!

No need to quarantine!

Student Visa and Work Holiday Visa holders do not need to quarantine upon their arrival in Australia. All the states have no quarantine requirements for International arrivals as of now.

There is so much that the government is offering for International Students! If you are planning to come to Australia, right now is the perfect time to do so! Book a free consultation with our student visa specialists today, to discuss your options. 


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